Via Sottorive 1, 31044
Tel. e Fax: +39 0423 639920
P.IVA: IT03279980266
Coltivazione rose in vivaio specializzato.
Azienda agricola con vivaio rose per esterni.
"Le Rose delle Rive” Nursery, owned by Mr. Vittorio Rech, is specialized in the cultivation of Landscape roses, beautiful garden roses suitable for new architecture in towns and cities, for gardens, parks, roundabouts, alongside traffic routes etc.
It is a collection of very colorful, floriferous and strong roses which require very low maintenance and which are particularly resistant to fungal diseaes and to low temperatures (up to -30°C).
If you are looking for ideas, suggestions or solutions to help you create your own corner of paradise you are certainly in the right place!
Indicaci le varietà e la famiglia di rose che vuoi prenotare, compila il form ed invia la tua prenotazione
If you are looking for ideas, suggestions or solutions to help you create your own corner of paradise you are certainly in the right place!